Become a Sponsor
Your donation will help us continue our efforts to educate Interior Designers about where our profession is today and how and why we need to elevate it. We need to educate Legislators about what our profession really is and does and how we impact the health, welfare and life safety of our clients, employees and the public as they interact with our interiors.
It is important to reach out to each of our fellow Interior Designers, Clients, Industry Partners, Legislators and the General Public to help them understand what our profession is and the value we bring to their lives.
Through our advocacy efforts we can educate people and clarify what our profession truly is. It is only through this education and our legislative efforts that we can elevate our profession to the same level as those legally recognized as a “Design Professional”. By elevating our profession, we can legitimize ourselves; what we do and the impact our education, testing and experience bring to our clients and the general public.
Sponsorship Levels
Corporate sponsors are so important in the business of Interior Design. Our industry partners and vendors; corporate firms and their products and services make our projects successful. Without your support, we cannot provide the excellence of service and finished product that we are trained for.
Our corporate sponsors are encouraged to donate to IDCC to partner with the designers that specify and purchase their products and services on a daily basis. You would be an integral part of furthering the professional recognition of an industry that is visible and represents your firms to the general public.
• Company logo linked on IDCC website as sponsor
• Headline sponsor at two main events of your choice in one city (Paint Nites or Cooking Nites)
• Company recognition at IDCC speaking events and charity events
• Twenty copies of Taste Cookbook
• Communication on news related to legislative updates, e-blasts and annual meetings
• Company logo displayed on IDCC website as sponsor
• Headline sponsor at one main event of your choice in one city (Paint Nites or Cooking Nites)
• Company recognition at IDCC speaking events
• Ten copies of Taste Cookbook
• Communication on news related to legislative updates, e-blasts and annual meetings
• Company logo displayed on IDCC website as supporter
• Company recognition at IDCC speaking events
• Five copies of Taste Cookbook
• Communication on news related to legislative updates, e-blasts and annual meetings
• Name listed on IDCC website as supporter
• IDCC Advocate Swag Bag for the donor
• Communication on news related to legislative updates, e-blasts and annual meetings
• Name listed on IDCC website as supporter
• One copy of Taste Cookbook
• Communication on news related to legislative updates, e-blasts and annual meetings
Your donation will help us continue to:
Engage lobbyists to help navigate the legislature
Come together at the Capital and meet with legislators
Continue outreach efforts to other professional design organizations
Plan and host an array of events:
Walk the Capitol Day
Leaders Roundtables (interacting with design firm leaders)
Designer Roundtables (interacting with practicing interior designers)
Advocacy + Legislation Roadshows
Social fundraising events (a chance to meet fellow designers in fun settings)
Monthly DASH (Delegates And StakeHolders) update calls
Other creative ways to help:
Do you have special skills to offer such as graphic talents, printing or great contacts to help reach more people?
Are you a business with a creative idea on how to sponsor IDCC?
Contact us below and let us know.
If you are a stakeholder in the interior design profession, we need to keep the industry strong. Thank you for your support!
To donate, please click “Donate Now”
or email Christine Peter: