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CALIFORNIA LAW - what Designers need to know

In California, the only reason that Interior Designers are allowed to perform code impacting work is because of an exemption in the Architecture law.

Interior designers are lumped together with the general public, because they have no professional rights under California state law. Although there is a title available in the California built community, (Certified Interior Designer) or CID, it does not separate us from the general public with regard to providing services or our scope of work.

Following are examples of the typical activities that the architect’s board believes should not be performed by the general public. The public’s ability to perform even these things could be eliminated by the board at any time without passing a new bill.


  • Any project that includes altering suspended or drop ceilings

  • Any project that includes new or relocated full height walls

  • Plan review is illegal, an architect must prepare the drawings and the contract must be with the client directly

  • Any kitchen or bath remodel drawing submissions should be performed by a licensed individual because of theenergy calculation required in all kitchens and baths.

  • Any remodel that has the need for relocating an exit door, or a single sprinkler head

  • Any project requiring the relocation of a light fixture in a suspended ceiling

Some of the above can be performed by an owner/builder even though Interior designers and the general public cannot. The day to day
management of the architectural exemption limitations are managed by the individual building departments.

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